We’ve produced different kinds of stories in the last two decades. Here are three of the many cases.
Case 1- The Changemakers of Thailand
We know many passionate and inspiring social changemakers making an impact in Thailand and the rest of the world. To tell their stories and shine a spotlight on them, we’ve been producing 15 minute portrait documentaries for NHK World.
Ayu “Lee” Chuepa
Akha Ahma Social Entrepreneur
Suwichan “Chi” Phattanaphraiwan
Karen Ethnographer & Musician
Saendeuan “Lek” Chailert
Khamu Animal & Nature Conservationist
Sirachai Arunrungstichai
Marine Conservation Photographer
Ayu “Lee” Chuepa
Akha Ahma Social Entrepreneur
Suwichan “Chi” Phattanaphraiwan
Karen Ethnographer & Musician
Saendeuan “Lek” Chailert
Khamu Animal & Nature Conservationist
Sirachai Arunrungstichai
Marine Conservation Photographer

Case 2 – The Thai Mission Traveler in Japan

Thai-Japanese relations go way back and it’s also just a fact; the Thais and Japanese love one another for their culture and food.
In 2018, we teamed up with Chubu Nippon Broadcasting, Channel One31, and GMM Grammy to make a 13-episode entertainment travel documentary that promotes the beautiful places and activities of Chubu (central) region of Japan to Thai audiences.
In 2018, we teamed up with Chubu Nippon Broadcasting, Channel One31, and GMM Grammy to make a 13-episode entertainment travel documentary that promotes the beautiful places and activities of Chubu (central) region of Japan to Thai audiences.
Case 3 – The Unorthodox Town in Hokkaido
Higashikawa is a small but international town in Hokkaido, Japan known domestically and abroad as “The Town of Photography”.
Since 2015, K.M. Tomyam annually coordinates with high schools in Thailand and Laos to send their student teams to participate in Higashikawa “International High School Student Photography Festival”.
Eager to promote their town in different ways to tackle the national issue of population decline, they asked us to make a 7-part series that highlights their unique approach to sustainable community development.
Since 2015, K.M. Tomyam annually coordinates with high schools in Thailand and Laos to send their student teams to participate in Higashikawa “International High School Student Photography Festival”.
Eager to promote their town in different ways to tackle the national issue of population decline, they asked us to make a 7-part series that highlights their unique approach to sustainable community development.

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